The following databases will be useful in your research:
°National Archives: Presidential Archives
°Smithsonian: Explore History and Culture
°American Congress of American Indians: Tribal Nations
Offering to you biographies search that can be filtered by time period, location, and category which could be helpful to get general information about an individual.
Gale created materials along with titles from 120+ notable publishers, thousands of newspapers and journals, and more than 175 million pages of primary sources. Don't forget to use the topic finder to get a visualization of related topics to your search.
This site consists of a series of hyperlinked chronologies developed by the instructors and historical articles prepared by students and professors to expand your research for use in history classes.
The American National Biography is the most recent book we have bought access to. Here, you'll find the first biographical dictionary focused on American history. With a scope from the earliest recorded European explorations to the very recent past.
The following books will help you in your research of information from valid sources:
°Interpreting American History
°Harvard guide to contemporary American writing