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Physical Science 120: Resources


These links will help you have a better understanding of how earthquakes work and the possible consequences that come from them.

Plate Tectonics 

Crustal Deformation and Earthquakes

Effusive Eruptions 

Distribution of Volcanic activity 


The following Articles will help you expand your vision about the topics discussed in class: 

Evolution of the Earth

Natural Disasters are Part of Nature

Probing Space to Understand Earth

• Worlds without number 

Latitude Assignment

You'll be divided into different groups to make a research on different places around the globe. Take a look to the chart to start your research. 




Natural Phenomenon Videos

Tectonic Plates Information

The following links will guide you to different sources to learn basic information about the Tectonic Plates. The National Geographic interactive map will guide you through each one of them, providing information about their boundaries and what countries are affected by them.

Tectonics Plates - General Information

Plates Boundaries and Movement 

National Geographic Interactive Map