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English 101S: Research Help

Resources and Reminders for researching in English 101S

Research in English 101S

In English 101S, you will need to do some research. Use the resources on this page to help get you started. If you find that you need further help narrowing down your paper topic, searching a database, finding relevent sources, or citing sources, feel free to stop by the library to speak with a librarian.

Library Databases for Background Information

Library Databases for Research

Boolean Operators: Ways to Connect Keywords

Boolean Operators are AND, OR, and NOT.

AND will limit your search. The search results will bring back only results with BOTH keywords in them. Use this operator to connect multiple concepts.

OR will broaden your search. The search results will have either one term or the other or both. This is helpful when there are more than one way to say a keyword.

NOT will eliminate a term from your search. Use the operator NOT to eliminiate irrelevant topics from search results that keep appearing. These could be topics that often appear with your keywords, but are not related to your topic.

For more tips on searching databases, check out these tips!

Keyword Searches

Remember that great searches do the following:

  • Use nouns (person, place, or thing)
  • Focus on key concepts
  • Include only the core words, and not the whole question (not "when was George Washington born?" but rather "George Washington birth date")
  • Do NOT include the terms: "an," "the," "on," or "in"
  • Do NOT assume an opinion or bias