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Interior Design: ID 110: Home

Welcome to the guide for ID 110! You can find all the resources you need for class in one place.

Welcome to ID 110!

Welcome to the subject guide for Interior Design 110! Here you can find all the resources you'll need for your class. This guide will help you find:



-Magazines & Resources

-Information about furniture

-Working Environments Designs

-Ideas for Fabric decoration

-Interactive Platforms

-Interior Design Galleries

-APA Citation


Munsell Color Book


One of the first assignments you'll have in this class is the Munsell Chart exercise.

Here are a couple of instructions that could help you finish this assignment. 

1. Come to the Library and ask for the Munsell Student Color book

2. If this is your first time checking something out of the library, we will help you register.

3. Is recommended to do this assignment in one of the study rooms (we can help you get one) 

4. Make sure you don't mix up or loss any chip while doing the assignment. 

5. When you're finish bring the book back to us, we will count the chips and we will let you know if we find a problem. 

Click the image of the book to check it's availability

Journal of Interior Design