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SS 160 Introduction to Leadership and Social Science: Resources


The following Articles will help you expand your vision about the topics discussed in class: 

Belmont Report

Bearing One Another's Burdens 

Gender and Work: Challenging conventional Wisdom

The Priesthood Power of Women 

When Women don't Speak 

 Why it matters: Leadership

Gender and Leadership



Every good leader needs to have a sense of empathy for others. The following links will guide you to articles/ videos where you can expand your information on this topic and become a better leader. 

Applied Empathy: The New Language of Leadership

Empathy in Leadership - 10 Reason why it matters

The Importance of Empathy in the Workplace

Understanding Empathy (video) 

What's empathy Got to Do With It?


Transactional Vs Transformational Leadership

As you know, in this class, you have reviewed the definitions of these two types of leadership, the following links will help you understand which one applies better to your personality.

Characteristics of Leadership | Florida Tech

Comparing them in the field | Lumen 

Definition Video | Richtopia 

Finding your Leadership Style | ita group

Leadership Theory | The Mind Lab