This site is full of news, information on how to take different kinds of pictures, reviews of photography equipment and forums where you can communicate with others and get your photography questions answered.
Richly visual and wonderfully informative, this book showcases 500 groundbreaking cameras from the George Eastman House's collection that forever changed our perception of the world, and of ourselves.
Featuring the art of Daniel Giordan this book talks all about how to create great photos using your digital camera. Specific examples and detailed instructions are included for each kind of picture. There is also quite a bit of information on building the effect.
Artwork from 30 of the industry's top photographers is used to highlight both clear-cut shooting strategies and colorful, cutting-edge approaches to family portraiture in this handbook intended for idea gathering and inspiration.
This book offers a simple and easy to use guide on how to take great photos. Topics include: camera and lens, light and subject, film and exposure, digital photography, special photographs, developing film, and a history of photography.
For serious amateur photographers who already shoot perfectly focused, accurately exposed images but want to be more creative with a camera, here’s the book to consult.