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ART 101 : Harlem Renaissance, Social Relism, and Abstract Expresionism


Here you'll be able to find the necessary links to gather up information about the different types of art that you'll be reviewing in the different weeks of the semester. The links under the main picture will guide you to videos or databases with general information about the main topic. The images in the "gallery" will let you know what specific topics you need to research (usually from If you have any questions about this don't hesitate to let us know.

Harlem Renaissance, Social Relism, and Abstract Expresionism


Main Topic Research

Visit the following links to Discover more about this week's topic. Be ready to share your insights in class.

°Abstract Expressionism: An Introduction

°Why is that important? Looking at Jackson Pollock

°The Impact of Abstract Expressionism

Harlem Renaissance

Visit to start your research on this topic. 

Social Realism

Visit to start your research on this topic. 

Abstract Expressionism

Visit to start your research on this topic.